
'We have come to destroy you!'

Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Prison for Gods Campaign - Part 2 - Epic Failz

Part of the campaign would be taking an army shot. With a free kitchen, some time, and a decent camera I set about trying to create one. Mistakes were made...and a realisation that I know nothing about cameras.

Mistake nr.1: Too much stuff. Put way too much on the table
Mistake nr.2: Not knowing how to light the scene
Mistake nr3: Not knowing how to use my camera properly.

Oh well! Didn't take too long and it did allow me to organise my trays and army etc. It's all packed in proper order now at least. Also.. I'm missing a single imperial guard veteran trooper! NO!. Very annoying!

Anyway, here goes:

This is a placeholder... When I the timing is right Mr Blackheart Jack has a great camera and most importantly... skillz. Photoshop skillz!

The Black Scorpion's 9th Expedtionary company with artillery support from the Hydrobian 8th Combined Arms Brigade.


Trooper Veygo and his platoon stalked through the ruins ahead of the column. While his space marine overlords were securing the landing zone he was sent forward. Out into the derelict city. The Genatorum was ahead. Getting it up and running would provide much needed power. The decaying forges and factories were pitted and rusting, long since abandoned. Veygo noticed however, heavy machinery, loaders, torsion drills, plas-arc cutters and much more. This place was full of valuable abandoned material. It was obvious why the Hydrobian 8th and the 9th Expedtionary were here! Even thru his mask Veygo could feel the corrosive air. His lungs burning. As he moved across the open courtyard he felt a rumbling in the distance.

Jets suddenly screamed overhead and before he could react Veygo was bowled over by a shockwave. Bombs and rockets screamed down erupting in massive blasts. It was all over in an instant. 'Medic!'
Veygo heard the call from across the courtyard. His men were in the dirt, some dead, some injured, some taking cover...Veygo heard the radio chatter, warning the landing zone of potential incoming threats. The marines there had already sprung into action. Brutal black war planes swept over head towards the mysterious attackers. Whoever they were, would regret attacking!

++++Intercepted transmission++++
+++Marauder mkII 'Volcano'+++
+++Capt. Evy Shenlow ID:234721+++
+++infrared pict scan+++


+++When did the mutant filth acquire heavy artillery? Recommend additional air strikes!++++

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